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Putting People First / September 5, 1994
Washington Report
by Kathleen Marquardt
Chairman, Putting People First
...A weekly opinion column about the struggle against "animal rights" and
Copyright@1994 Putting People First
Permission to reproduce this column is freely granted on the condition that
credit is given to Putting People First.
Putting People First is a nonprofit organization of citizens who believe in
western civilization; that we need to return to common sense in man's
relationship with his fellow man; and that public policy should be based on
science and rationality, not emotionalism.
Putting People First
PO Box 1707
Helena, Montana 59624
(406) 442-5700
Fax (406) 449-0942
We have had to put up with the animal rights wackos taking to the
streets every year on the Friday after Thanksgiving to protest fur. In
fact, before I started Putting People First, before I even knew what
animal rights was about, I happened upon one of their "fur-free Fridays"
when my husband, Bill and I were in Santa Fe one Thanksgiving.
There were all these weirdly dressed and made-up people protesting
fur. We were so offended by the protestors and their outrageous
statements that we wanted to purchase furs to show our protest of them.
While we could not afford to buy fur coats (or at least fur as is
generally thought of by the public) we did buy sheepskin coats -- not
considered fur yet in the fashion media. My coat does have coyote (fur)
trim on the hood to protect my face from ice.
I feel great every time I wear my coat -- for the statement it
makes and because it is very warm.
But back to the subject of today's column -- the day after
Thanksgiving. It is supposedly the biggest shopping day of the year --
the perfect day to choose to make a statement.
In the most recent Earth First! Journal is an announcement for the
environmental side of the anti-human movement to get involved in "fur
free Friday," by expanding the theme to shut down shopping malls. It is
billed as the first annual CLOSE DOWN THE MALLS DAY and the Luddites are
encouraged to TEAR IT UP! SHUT IT DOWN! DO IT NOW!
The piece begins:
Who says you gotta be the Grinch to steal Christmas? This
year you can join the Great American Mall-Out and help all
those manic consumers save a little money this shopping
season. We all know that behind every clearcut, every
stripmine, every toxic wastedump, is the rampant mindless
consumption which fuels the ecocidal Machine.
In other words, everyone of us who shops at a mall is bringing
about the destruction of the earth and these terroristic misfits are
going to "educate" us about our faults by crawling down off their tree-
sit platforms and tossing blood in the fur department, pulling a fire
alarm, calling a bomb threat, blocking a highway exit ramp or other
entrance or otherwise doing a "Puke-in."
You will be able to recognize these misfits because they often
dress in the thro-back garb of the sixties with a few tattoos and nose
or eyebrow rings thrown in for shock value. And we can probably expect
the mainstream media to fawn all over them like they do PeTA and the
other animal rights anarchists.
If this garbage they are cooking up does not get you riled up,
listen to this. Earth First!ers are going to campuses and encouraging
students to join up and take action. EF!ers are telling students that
they can go ahead and commit crimes even if it means getting caught
because when they turn 18 their records will be erased. Good reason to
commit crimes, huh?
Here is what we need to do.
o Notify your local police that this could be happening in your
area. And request that the police treat them like the common criminals
they are and not pamper them. When people break the law they should be
held accountable.
o Notify your local media that these extremists are planning sabotage
and disruption at malls across the country and you would appreciate it
if the media did not make "heroes" out of these overgrown delinquents.
If they are treated like the unacceptable law breakers they are, they
will no longer be held up as icons for our children to emulate.
o Notify your local business people that you and the majority of the
citizenry are behind them and will support them. Ask them to bring
charges against any vandals. Make them understand that it is too late
to follow the "be quiet and they will go away" dictum of presixties era
fads. If they cave in, they prove themselves to be easy targets for any
future endeavors.
o Maybe most important, contact your local high schools. Tell them
that everyone has the right to free speech, but NO ONE, not even Earth
First!ers have the right to go into our schools and promote violence and
Now, more than ever we need letters to Senators telling them NOT
to ratify the Biodiversity Treaty -- at least until it has been fully
written. On Internet, Greenpeace and the Sierra Club are going all
out to get Greenies to deluge Senator Bob Dole with letters praising
the treaty. The Biodiversity Treaty, while is mostly blank sheets of
paper that the writers (all major Greenies) will fill in later, not
only makes all species equal (a rat is a tree is polio is a boy), but
will radically alter most human activities (farming, fishing, mining,
logging, etc.), and treats private property as a sin.
We gave the Greens a crushing blow when we were able to get 35
Senators to come out against ratification last month. But we must
keep up the pressure. We won the first skirmish, not the war.
We need to thank those 35 Senators (for a list, call our office)
and encourage to "keep the faith," and not back down from Green
pressure. We must tell every Senator that we expect them to listen to
their constituents and vote against the treaty. The Greens are vocal,
but are still a minority.